Monday, December 05, 2011

Rick "Please-Don't-Google-Me" Santorum is Also an Ignoramous

I know we've known this since before the days of the "Santorum Almost An Amendment," but since Rick Santorum, the former senator from Pennsylvania who was voted out of office, appears to be engaged in an effort to outdo Michele Bachmann's crazy, we may as well remark upon it.

Hunter at Dail Kos describes and explains Santorum's recent claim of a Grand Jihad against God and Christianity by Science, specifically, the teaching of evolution in schools. He still favors a Crusade as a response to his fantasy.

Someone chosen to lead the United States must recognize what it takes to maintain our country's welfare and leadership in the world today--and an important aspect of that is an understanding of what science is, and how it can be used to maintain a high standard of living and a strong national defense. We need to understand the environment in which we live and how natural resources can be used to support us without destrying the environment in the process, so we don't wind up choking in a cesspool of our own making.

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Anonymous busana muslim said...

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10:30 AM  

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